Computing - SAC 1 | Home | The Infographic | Information about Caffeine


Here is the consent form found at the beginning of our survey.

In the following survey, data will be collected surrounding your caffeine habits. All data collected will be anonymised upon collection, such that no one will know who is associated with which data points. All data will also be destroyed at the conclusion of the study.

The collected data will be used exclusively for this project, and will be temporarily publicly available in the form of an infographic website, which is purposed to inform students at JMSS about the caffeine habits of their peers. The raw data will never be made available to the public. Furthermore, no data will be collected beyond what is needed for the study, and you will not be tracked across websites, nor will you be required to provide any unnecessary or excessive information regarding your identity. You will, however, be asked whether you are a student or a teacher at John Monash Science School, however, as previously stated, this is all completely anonymised, and your name and email are not recorded.


By selecting yes and continuing with this survey, you agree to all terms set out in this consent form, and thereby provide permission to the use of your data for this particular study.